Do We Ever Heal?
After 1000's of private sessions, my own journey and spirit teachings; this is what I know:
Healing = Synthesizing
Consciously weaving the Soul + the Human to create and experience a coherent and aligned whole.
It is in the finding your way back to balance, to self, seated in your Soul that is this resonant dance.
It is acceptance, grace and compassion. It is the release of shame.
All while finding your way to purpose.
This is the circle of life.
Bobbi applies a multidimentional perspective with a psychological for a more complete and integrated understanding of the problem/issues.
- Nicholas C
Trauma Therapist
I have had two sessions with Bobbi and she has changed my world. She is a very gifted healer. She is approachable, easy to talk to, focused and caring. She gave me beautiful and meaningful imagery to carry with me. It has helped immeasurably. Not only were her words and channeled messages healing, but an “unrelated” physical issue resolved unexpectedly. She is a gift to those that seek deep healing. I look forward to future sessions with Bobbi.
- Judy B
What Spirit Has Taught Me
This is my sacred offering.
I have been in thousands of sessions witnessing every kind of illness, dis-ease
and dis-comfort being held in the body; the greatest of all being cancer.
I have collaborated with the brilliance of autism, the receded human brain called dementia,
the majestic beings called horses, our land that begs for healing and everything in between.​
What I Have Come To Know
Through my own healing, the wisdom of the bodies I have witnessed healing and all the teachings of spirit;
what I have come to know is this...
There is a coherence that we need to consistantly return to when we get out of alignment.
Some may know this as our assemblage point.
There are various degrees of trauma being held vibrationally in every one of us;
grief, anxiety and lack of purpose being most prevalent.
Healing is one of the things we came here to do. Our soul will not let us off the hook.
We all bring with us many lifetimes of unhealed wounds, unique to us, this includes you.
All of these unique variations are experienced and held in your etheric body. When left unhealed (misaligned)
there is a vibrational incoherence that is then received by the physical body from the etheric.
This duplication of incoherence becomes what we call illness, dis-ease, dis-comfort and all the things from the list above..
Here's The Kicker
Whether you believe you are a vibrational light being, here in physical form,
a unique fractal of God (non-denominational) or remains the truth.​
If we don't understand this, the alignment between soul and human becomes impossible, yet it is vital.
This is where my gifts align with compassionately supporting the re-coherence of your soul and your humanity.
The As Above So Below is real for all of us
We are divinely, sacredly connected to all things which means all things can become allies on this journey
called being human. When one of us does not heal then all things vibrationally intertwined with our tree of life
are effected. It is by divine design that this is so.
It has become vital, not just for you, but for all of us, to become soul-y responsible for the embodiment of these truths.
This is how we will create sustainability for all sentient beings.